Thay the Bodhisattva

Given the announcement of ThichNhat Hanh’s passing on Saturday 22.1.22 at 00.00 in Vietnam, I thought it was about time I shared this poem, which I wrote for him in 2014 after he had a stroke. My heart is full (and overflowing) with gratitude and love for his teachings and wisdom that so many people worldwide have benefitted from.

I see you depicted
with a thousand hands.

Here are your books
generously given
held in these hands.

Here is a flower
with a smile
at the centre
held in these hands.

A cup of tea
freshly squeezed
from a raincloud
held in these hands.

Next, a pebble
to teach the children
to meditate
held in these hands.

These hands
hold a match,
but where is the flame?

These hands
invite a bell
sending the universe resonating
with a song of love.

These hands
hold a candle
lighting the path of enlightenment
for those who dare.

These hands
embracing the baby seed of anger
soothing, comforting.

These hands
hold our hearts
nurturing each heartbeat with
a pulse of compassion.

These hands
are empty
free of all notions
all concepts.

These hands
hold other hands
hold infinite hands, interlacing
interbeing across the cosmos.

How many hands?
Infinite hands reaching
in the ten directions
touching every shimmering star
every leaf on every tree
every snowflake and raindrop
every sunbeam, every moonbeam
every heart
holding them all
letting them all go.

© 29 Nov 14