The Door and Windows of the Heart are Open

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to fly freely,

spiralling through a lazy Sunday afternoon sky and 

catching air currents to ride effortlessly through open space.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to cartwheel on dew-laden grass and 

roll down hillocky and bumpy fields and 

land in a breathless, giggling heap at the bottom.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to dance barefoot and carefree

into welcoming arms and a tender embrace.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to tangle her hair and catch her clothes 

on a thrilling ride through dark and dense forests

full of knotty roots and clasping brambles and

emerge into the sunshine with a racing pulse and pumping blood.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to touch your outstretched fingertips and 

know you are less than a skip away.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to be herself,

to be heartful and compassionate,

to be truthful and trusting,

to be loving and to be loved.

The doors and windows of the heart are open

for love to meet you at the edge of daring and

to jump together into the unknown abyss

without caring if or where our feet will land.

© 24 Sep 13