Autumn's Cloak

Leaves land like footprints
on muddy earth
as Autumn breezes her way
softly through the month
sweeping her cloak over flowers
inviting them to hibernation.
Her fingertips caress each tree trunk
gently, thanking them
for life-giving energies.

The song of Autumn is a lullaby
singing of quieter days
dark nights brightened by firelight
woolly warmth of blankets
and soothing candlelight.

Autumn is crowned with a golden sunset
as she sings of spirals
circling away from the
vibrancy and heat of summer
towards the cool contentedness of winter
a time for reflection and drawing in.

Autumn's cloak rustles over
golden beech leaves
signalling the circling of the seasons
towards gratitude and
acknowledgement of gifts.
Great abundance!
© 10 Oct 21

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